For manufacturers and importers

For manufacturers and importers

If you import electric and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators, we invite your enterprise to join the largest organisation of importers and producers of electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators in Lithuania.
Participation in the licenced organisation is one of the possibilities provided in the legislation for proper management of waste. The type of collective responsibility allows more efficient exploitation of the current resources, developing unified waste management system. The Association has the largest collection network for electric and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators in Lithuania, which ensures that the performance of obligations of its members would be transparent and optimized.
Please call telephone number +370 695 55 111 with all the questions regarding the membership or send them to the email address
For all importers, distributing electric and electronic equipment or batteries and accumulators, we provide recommended obligatory informational material for the residents. Print the poster and place it in a visible position. IMPORTANT: the poster must be in the A3 format. Information for EEE and BA importers.

For distributors

If you are distributing electric and electronic equipment or batteries and accumulators, if you want to encourage environmental-friendly intentions of your colleagues and if you are approached by residents, we are inviting your company to join the largest collection network of used electronic equipment and batteries in Lithuania.
The Association is the first of its kind in Lithuania, which has created and further develops battery collection network in compliance with the legislation.
We will provide you with collection containers for batteries and electronics, and we will pay you for the electronic waste you collected. The aim of our work is that the obligatory collection of electronic equipment and batteries for distributors would become a natural habit, not causing any concern.
For all places of distribution accepting batteries and electronic waste, we provide information which must be provided to the residents. Just print the poster and place it in a visible place:
For distributors of batteries and accumulators
For distributors of electronic and electric equipment, please call +370 695 55 111 or write to the address